Tuesday, February 6, 2007



I saw that picture too....didn't it make you feel wrong and dirty? Harry James Potter! You put some clothes on this instant, or no Quidditch for a month, and 50 points from Gryffindor!

And speaking of horses, the other night I was walking home from work, and I saw a Police vehicle outside the housing project near my house. This is not unusual. Then I saw that there were all these children around it, and that more children were running towards it, and I thought, oh dear, something terrible has happened to a child! But then I got closer and realized the strange box behind the Police van was a horse trailer (not like the giant filthy red one that my Papa uses to haul cattle; it was a small, tidy, fancy trailer for the professional horse, the horse who has everything). All the kids were running to pet the Police horse, who was very patiently hanging his head out the window while the officer looked on. Such a nice horse, and a nice cop! It made me very happy. These are not children who get to pet horses very often, and I am willing to wager that the cops are not regarded as "friendly" in that particular housing project.

So last night I worked on lengthing my dad's sweater. You know, the one he was supposed to get for Christmas. Well, I had read in Stitch 'n Bitch that if your sweater was too short, you could just unravel the cast on row, pick up the live stitches, and knit on downwards until it was the right length.

Hah! Sounds simple....too simple. Maybe I was doing it wrong, but it took me TWO HOURS to pull out the cast on row. Either there is a secret technique I don't know about, or it was because I used the long-tail cast on (possible), or that's just how long it takes to pull out the cast on row on a great big man's sweater. Anyways, now that's done and I'm on the knitting part. So I should be able to send it to him this week.

Also, I dug Tubey (http://www.knitty.com/ISSUEwinter05/PATTtubey.html) out of oblivion, where it has been sitting for about a year. I am making it in very unsophisticated colors, not like the one on the model. That's right, I am finishing projects, using stash yarn, upholding the Yarn Embargo admirably.


P.S. It is Ohio cold here. The front page of the Washington Post is, and I am paraphrasing here, "OH MY GOD IT IS COLD WHAT DO WE DO????!" They talked about it on the news so much last night that I was afraid to go out this morning, and then I got outside and I was like, "Oh. Um, Ok." They are an excitable bunch in the District.

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