Tomorrow is Memorial Day. This means lots of things to lots of people. When I was a kid it meant that we got to ride in the antique fire truck with my papa in the Ross Memorial Day Parade. That would be followed by your dad saying some stuff in the graveyard while we peered through the doors of the mausoleums. Then hot dogs!!
Today there was a big concert on the national mall, and Micah and I thought we might go to it and cheezball it up, but then there was thunder, and lightening, and driving rain, and hail, and we decided to cheezball it from our respective apartments. Around here it is pretty much impossible to avoid reflecting on the intended meaning of Memorial Day, so I reflected. And knitted.
Here is what I worked on:

So here are some outtakes from our photo shoot this afternoon:

P.S. HP and the DH in 53 days? Oh my God, Brax, I don't know what to do.
P.P.S. I am reading Martin the Warrior and I am about 75% through with it and I can tell it is going to be bad, I can see the terrible plot twist coming. Oh no!
you two are serious posting machines. Fortunately, I have nothin better to do than sit around and wait for updates.
Max, yes, a Speedo. It's standard uniform for Team Zeasou. (SP?) I can't wait to show iup to my parent's boat in my red beanie and sweater and speedo. It's going to be great! (for me)
Barce, you know it stoppd raining right when it started and we would have had great seats?
Sister cannot be known as The Face because we already have one of those. Instead, she must be called PrettyFace, or "The PrettyFace, Inc."
I always get real sentimental for a good ol' Ross Memorial Day...especially since the parade always started right outside my house. One year, Mr. Moonitz dragged our turtle sandbox with the lid on it out to the street so he could stand on it to direct the band. Pam was livid.
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