Thursday, October 4, 2007

young man, do me a favor and snap my support hose to my girdle


Ain't that pretty? It's Cascade Baby Alpaca Chunky, 100% wonderful Fuzzy McFuzzball baby alpaca hair. I am going to make myself a warm soft lovely scarf out of it...maybe the Irish Hiking Scarf. It's about the softest thing ever. Man, I love alpaca. And alpacas!

I had a lot of trouble getting the color to come out. Here is the closest I got:

Thanks for visiting! We sure had a great time, and we went all over the place--to the market, to karaoke, to Crafty Bastards. It was so much fun!

But maybe my favorite part is how we forgot to take the camera with us anywhere we went, so all the pictures from this weekend are in this vein:

That's right, a full weekend with perfect weather and a crafts festival, and all the photos are of you and I dancing drunk in my apartment.

Aside: I have enough picture files titled some variation of "drunk" ("drunkies," "Alena and me drunk," "drunkface," get the idea) that it is starting to get confusing, and I'm going to have to start being more specific when I upload my pictures.

So this weekend was awesome, and I hope we get to hang out again soon! Like maybe in Seattle? Are you free next Friday?



Karen said...

I like guessing what we were singing in those pictures. Like, the top one is probably "Wind it Up" and the bottom one is probably that "1234" song.
Way to go, me re: wine shirt.

Anonymous said...

That skeleton novelty wine glass is bad ass.

Looks like it's going to be clear and cool in Seattle for your visit.

I'm going to scout out cucumbers for a possible Picklestorm.
