Merry Christmas!!!!
Merry Christmas, movie houuuse! Merry Christmas, you wonderful old Building and Loan!!
I wish I could have gone down and visited your family again this week! Be sure and leave a drunken carol on my voicemail if you're still celebrating.
My Christmas was pretty low-key, but it was nice. I hosted everyone at my apartment this year! I feel like such a grown up!!! It was kind of fun....I spent all day on the 23rd cleaning and baking cookies, and I bought a big ol' air mattress and decorated and everything! The cats have been knocking my tree down almost every day since I put it up right after Thanksgiving, so it was pretty lopsided by the time the "big day" rolled around.
I have also been watching a lot of Christmas movies. I have always felt that the affinity you and I share for Christmas movies is one of the cornerstones of our friendship. I know we tossed around the idea of doing a "best of" list of Christmas movies, so I wanted to go ahead and list my top 5:

So there you all have it. I'm not ashamed to say that Christmas movies are some of my favorite movies of all time, and there are plenty of awesome movies that didn't make the short list. I'm SO excited about New Year's, you can't even believe it! I have a good feeling about 2008...I think it's gonna be a good year.
See you this weekend!!